About us

Arctic Parliamentarians is a biennial conference for parliamentarians representing the Arctic countries.

Arctic Parliamentarians is a collaborative forum consisting of parliamentarians from the Arctic nations. The members work together to address common challenges and opportunities arising from the unique environmental, economic, and social conditions of the Arctic. They engage in dialogue with Indigenous Peoples, youth, local communities, and international organizations to ensure comprehensive decision-making.

The Arctic Parliamentarians Conference is a biennial conference for parliamentarians representing the Arctic countries. The first Parliamentary Conference concerning Arctic cooperation was held in Reykjavik, Iceland in 1993.

The biennial conference is attended by representatives from the national parliaments of the Arctic states. The Arctic Indigenous Peoples and the European Parliament are observers to the cooperation.

The Standing Committee of Arctic Parliamentarians, which is responsible for the work between conferences, started its activities in September 1994. The Standing Committee meets twice a year to discuss current Arctic issues and the follow-up of the Conference Statement from the latest conference.

One of the main priorities of the Standing Committee was originally to support the establishment of the Arctic Council. Since then, the Standing Committee has worked actively to promote the work of the Council and participates in the meetings of the Arctic Council as an observer.

Standing committee

Ms. Aaja Chemnitz

Ms. Aaja Chemnitz

MP, Parliament of Denmark, Chair of the Standing Committee

Olga Oinas-Panuma

Olga Oinas-Panuma

MP, Parliament of Finland

Tatiana Sakharova

Tatiana Sakharova

Council of Federation, Russia

Yvonne Jones

Yvonne Jones

Member of the House of Commons, Parliament of Canada

Líneik Anna Sævarsdóttir

Líneik Anna Sævarsdóttir

MP, Parliament of Iceland

Mr. Andreas Schwab

Mr. Andreas Schwab

MP, European Parliament

Mrs. Lisa Murkowski

Mrs. Lisa Murkowski

Senator, United States Senate, Vice Chair of the Standing Committee

Alexandra Anstrell

Alexandra Anstrell

Member of the Swedish parliament

Mr. Aleksander K. Akimov

Mr. Aleksander K. Akimov

Council of Federation, Russia

Bob Zimmer

Bob Zimmer

Member of the House of Commons, Parliament of Canada

Mr. Lars Haltbrekken

Mr. Lars Haltbrekken

MP, Parliament of Norway

Rules of procedure

for The Standing Committee of Parliamentarians of the Arctic Region
and The Conference of Parliamentarians of the Arctic Region


Part 1


  1. ln these Rules of Procedure, hereinafter the “Rules”
    • “Arctic States” means the members of the Arctic Council;
    • “Permanent Participants” means organizations granted Permanent Participant status In the Arctic Council;
    • “Observer” means an entity granted observer status in accordance with these Rules;
    • “Conference” means the Conference of Parliamentarians of the Arctic Region as described in Part 3 of these Rules;
    • “Host Parliament” means the Parliament hosting the Conference of Parliamentarians of the Arctic Region;
    • “Committee” means the Standing Committee of Parliamentarians of the Arctic region as described in Part 2 of these Rules.

Part 2


  1. Representatives of the national parliaments of the Arctic states and the European Parliament form the Committee.The parliaments are represented by one member each. Each parliament appoints its member acccording to its own rules. Each parliament may also appoint a substitute member. Parliaments with two separate houses may, if they so wish, appoint one member from each house. In such a case no substitute member is appointed from that parliament.
  2. The Committee is responsible for:
    • taking initiatives to further Arctic cooperation nationally as well as on the international level,
    • arranging in cooperation with the Host Parliament the Conference, and
    • following up on the impiementation of the Conference Statement approved by the Conference

      In pursuing these objectives the committee works closely with the Arctic Council, national governments and relevant international organizations.
  3. Permanent Participants can take part in meetings of the Committee with one representative from each organization.
  4. Observers can follow meetings with one observer from each observer organization. Observer status is granted by the Committee.
  5. The Committee elects a Chair and a Vice-Chair1 for a period starting at the conclusion of the Conference and continuing until the conclusion of the following Conference.
  6. The Committee appoints a Secretary and decides on all issues concerning composition, funding and location of its secretariat.
  7. Meetings of the Committee take place at the call of the Chair, and should be held at least twice yearly.
  8. Decisions in the Committee are made by consensus between the members.
  9. Members of the Committee may meet privately at their discretion.

Part 3


  1. The purpose of the Conference is
    • to take initiatives to further Arctic cooperation,
    • to act as a forum for debate and exchange of information between parliaments, governments, Indigenous Peoples Organizations as well as international governmental and non-governmental organizations.In particular the Conference acts as a parliamentary forum for discussion of issues relevant to the work of the Arctic Council.
  2. Conferences shall be held biannually.
  3. The Host Parliament issues invitations to the Conference, is responsible for practical arrangements, provides the necessary documentation, and publishes a conference report. In carrying out these tasks the Host Parliament works in consultation with the Committee.
  4. The Committee decides on the program and agenda of the Conference in consultation with the Host Parliament.
  5. The Parliaments, Permanent Participants and Observers represented in the Committee shall be invited to the Conference.
  6. The Committee, in consultation with the Host Parliament, decides on delegation size and additional participants.
  7. The Conference is chaired by the Host Parliament. The debates during the Conference may be led by members of the Committee at the request of the Chair of the Conference.
  8. Following keynote speakers, first each parliamentary delegation and then each Permanent Participant delegation is given the opportunity to make a five-minute statement.
  9. The Chair of the Conference may call for interventions by observers to the statements given by keynote speakers and delegations.
  10. After statements, a general discussion will be held. During this discussion priority will be given to the parliamentary representatives. If time permits, the Chair of the Conference will allow for brief comments from other participants.
  11. Decisions shall be made by consensus between delegations representing parliaments with membership in the Committee.
  12. The results of the work of the Conference are documented in a Conference Statement approved by the Conference.
  13. The Conference Statement is drafted by a Conference Statement Committee consisting of one person appointed by each parliamentary and permanent participant delegation. The Chair of the Committee acts as chair of the Conference Statement Committee.
  14. The Conference addresses the proposals and recommendations included in the Conference Statement to the Arctic Council, national governments and parliaments as well as to other international organizations as appropriate.
  15. In the Conference Statement the Conference designates a Host Parliament for the next Conference, at the invitation of one of the parliaments with membership in the Committee.

Part 4


  1. The working language of the Committee and the Conference is English. The Host Parliament shall provide interpretation to Russian, and if possible to other languages, of the discussions at the Conference.
  2. Each participating entity covers its own costs for participating in the work of the Committee.
  3. The Host Parliament covers all the costs for practical arrangements in connection with the Conference. All participants cover their own costs for taking part in the Conference (travel, accommodation and other direct costs related to their participation).

These Rules of Procedure were adopted by the Standing Committee of Parliamentarians of the Arctic Region on February 23,1999.


1 Amended at the SCPAR-meeting 27 May 2009